Let employees choose for themselves.

Letting employees choose what they want to work with has several benefits, including higher satisfaction and more productive employees. Download our step-by-step plan to help guide you towards the right strategy.

Let employees choose for themselves.

Let employees choose for themselves.

Choose Your Own Device increases employee satisfaction.

Choose Your Own Device increases employee satisfaction.

Letting employees choose what they want to work with has several advantages. There has been a shortage of (good) workers for some time, for example, and research by Jamf and IBM shows that employees perform better and feel more comfortable when they are allowed to choose their own devices. As many as seven out of ten employees say they prefer to work with Apple devices. This, in turn, makes employees less likely to transfer to another job, and offering choice makes an organisation more attractive to new employees.

Even more advantages.

By allowing employees to choose their own devices, they can work with the software and tools that best support the work in their department. Besides contributing to productivity, it will also improve employee satisfaction. In addition, much less technical support is needed because employees work on a system they already know or enjoy working with. A major advantage organisations have is that procurement standards are stricter than with Bring Your Own Device and Company Owned Personally Enabled, thus ensuring better information security.

Even more advantages.
A good selection strategy starts with good IT management.

A good selection strategy starts with good IT management.

When considering this strategy, it is important to know how you tackle various risks, such as how much choice you are going to give employees. It is important to think about this in advance since all devices also need to be managed and secured. It is also good to know which software packages you need and whether they work on all devices. Also, running a pilot is always an important step before implementing a strategy. By testing the strategy, you can tackle teething problems on a small scale, without hampering the entire organisation's working process.

CYOD strategy: 26 questions and tips.

We are happy to help you define a Choose Your Own Device strategy. Our step-by-step plan, with 26 questions and tips, will support you in choosing the right strategy and help you organise the implementation.
CYOD strategy: 26 questions and tips.